Aug 1, 2012

One big thing I noticed about Hawaii... I actually noticed when I came back home.  They have this thing called Aloha Spirit.  It seems like everyone has gone to an incredible training class on friendly... but it is simply a part of the culture and you start to adopt it the more you see it.  Here is what it is.

“Akahai” meaning kindness, to be expressed with tenderness
“Lokahi” meaning unity, to be expressed with harmony
“Oluolu” meaning agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness
“Haahaa” meaning humility, to be expressed with modesty
“Ahonui” meaning patience, to be expressed with perseverance
Yup, that sums it up... I am going to post some of my better photos of Hawaii when I get some time.  I just thought I would document for myself this Aloha and how I believe that if we all try a little harder, it may start to happen over here... well, not with everyone.. not with that guy at the gas station yesterday that was so angry I thought he would run me over... 
I also noticed, that their political ads only mention what they are going to do.. no discouraging comments about their opponent.. not one negative ad on tv.  Not one!.

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