Dec 15, 2003


Monday on the phone with the Court

Today, I had a court appearance. I was on the phone.. you see my ex wife said that I owed back child support payments because when I was out of work, I sent the payments directly to her. When I changed my child support amount I was told (in front of the evil one) that because I didn't make those payments to the court.. I may not receive credit. I guess she thinks that she can pull a fast one... after all what will it cost her? So... she tried to tell the court that I sent her checks in the amount of $800 per month (the same amount that I owed for child support) as a gifts for 4 months... yeah right.. well lucky for me they didn't buy it. What a waste of time. So, I asked since we had some extra time if she was going to give me the boys this week.. she refused to answer.. because she was under oath... not a good sign. After we got off the phone, I called her at her house and told her that I would be there to pick up the boys and if she wanted to hide somewhere that I will call the police and wait until she comes back. I told her that my family will camp in her driveway until she gives me the boys.

She called me back.. when my phone was off and said that she was going to play that message for the judge.. well I hope so... because if she didn't give me the boys... then how will that look?

So.. I needless to say, I am not really feeling good about my chances of getting the boys.... she is crazy.

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