Dec 15, 2003


Shopping at Old Navy

Yesterday, M and I spent most of the day indoors, but we did venture out into the holiday shopping mess for a little while. We went to Old Navy, because I wanted some long sleeve t shirts and they were on sale. The place was packed... I mean... wall to wall people, bumping into each other, clothes all over the place. It had all the ingredients to make for an irritable shopping experience. Then one of the guys that worked at Old Navy... got up and stood on top of one of the counters. He said that he was playing Santa and that he was giving away gift certificates. So, he would ask... "does anyone have toothbrush, for a $10 gift certificate?" and sure enough someone had a toothbrush... he went on and on and I finally won! I was one of the 15 guys that had a black wallet.... like every guy doesn't have a black wallet.... I was just close enough to the woman handing out the certificates. I got $2.00... but it was fun. A really nice idea. I got 3 shirts and the line to get out wasn't all that bad.

Oh.. here is the best part of the shopping experience.. I tried on two pair of jeans... and they were... too big... too loose on me.. .huh... I guess my diet is working. pretty cool. Usually, I stay away from trying anything on.. I usually emerge from the dressing room with a horrible attitude.. and self loathing... not yesterday :)


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