Nov 20, 2003

Small town life

They say that life is slower in a small town. You know what I have noticed? That in a way that saying is correct, the pace of life is slower. Why? Maybe it’s because you don’t have as much to do, or maybe it is because there aren’t as many lines. In my town, which is sort of a suburb of Tulsa, I have to go to one building for my water, gas, phone, cable, high speed internet, trash, police, fire department and to pay speeding tickets. It’s all in one place and there has never been a line. Today I went to the post office in Wichita Falls, Texas. There was a short line of about 3 people, so the guy behind the counter summoned some help and two other clerks came up. I was out of the post office in about 5 minutes. In Mesa, Arizona… I have waited for over an hour to mail a package. At my Super Target in Tulsa, it is a huge store and maybe because the employment in town is slow, they tend to have too many people on and there is never any waiting at one of the lines to check out, there are usually two or three open and waiting for me.

So, life may be at a slower pace, because there isn’t anything that is taking up our time. There are no traffic jams to eat away at time and when you go to a restaurant it is rare to find a 30 minute wait.

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