Dear Dad
Dear Dad,
I miss you so much! I was wondering where you lived. Don't worry I won't tell Mom! Tell my cousins that I wanted to say hi. Thank you for the Frank Lloyd Wright Pamplet thingy. I wonder what it is like in Oklahoma? I wish I had pictures! Again, I miss you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much! Everything is great at school. Having your address is like a birthday wish come true. After even two minutes of writing I miss you more.
Thanks for the card!
Love Alex
P.S. I miss you!
P.S.S. I won't tell any of this to mom
P.S.S.S. I miss you even more!
I stopped now because I couldn't fit on this page how much I miss you.
I read this letter everyday. I miss Alex too... I miss him so much. Tonight, I send Andy a birthday present. I bought him a book "Groovitude" When I used to pick the boys up on Fridays, I would pass the comics back to Andy and he would go right to Get Fuzzy and read it out loud for everyone. He would laugh and read it a couple of times. I hope he gets the book. I also send him a card and some candies for his classmates. Well, actually... I got him 4 cards and glued them to a poster board and put them in a big envelope. That will go to his school.
I hope he has a nice birthday.
I don't know if I will see the boys for Christmas, but I am going back to Phoenix to try.
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