Jun 20, 2003


It's not that easy is it? I mentioned this in a previous post. I applied for a job just two days ago and I have an interview today. If I get the job, it means that I leave Arizona. It means that M and I start a life together, just the two of us in another State. It means that I will be doing something that I love and I will be making what I deserve.

Of course, it also means that I will only see my boys on holidays and summers.. and.. of course as you know..that will be a struggle.

I have not seen or heard from my boys since May 11th. That is very hard on me... I have moments of extreme melancholy.. it's not good.. I have to wait until next wed. to even see if I am going to see the boys at all this summer.

Here is my worry.. that the judge says.. Yes.. you can see the boys... for the next five weeks.. and I get a call back from this job asking me to start the position immediately and training starts in 1 week in Atlanta.

Of course.. none of that has happened... so I am just thinking ahead as I always do.

Anyway.. let's all have a great weekend!

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