Jun 16, 2003

It never ends does it?

I didn't cry this weekend.. I guess I am getting numb. I went to pick up the boys on Friday and was not surprised that nobody came out.. so I called and left a message letting my ex know that I would be by on Sunday.

I showed up Sunday morning and nobody came out.. I waited and then the next door neighbor on the right side of her came out to talk to me. She told me how sorry she was that I wasn't getting my boys and how worried she is about them.. she said they never come out of the house and lately things have been getting worse between her and the evil ones.. We talked for awhile and she said that she knew that my ex father in law was a convicted felon and that my ex wife is a lesbian. She said that she had to call the police because my ex wife's girlfriend was driving into all the garbage cans on the street and yelling and throwing things at the house to get my ex wife to come out.

I called the police and they said someone would call me back. An officer did call me back.. he took all the information and said he would file charges of custodial interference but that was all he could do and he told me to go home.

Just then the neighbor on the other side came out.. and I went up to her to ask to borrow a pen, so I could write down the case number. She gave me one and we talked for awhile.. she said that things had gotten VERY bad between her and the evil ones... I didn't know how bad, but she said "You should call the police and make them come out here" I took her advice and called the police again and asked for their advice. The duty officer told me that he would have someone come out to check on the welfare of the children.

Two police officers showed up.. two cars. They went up to the house, knocked on the door, shouted inside, knocked on the windows and looked up to the second floor and waved at someone they thought was inside.

My ex wife had parked her car around the corner, so it was possible that she was inside, hiding with the boys.

The police apologized and asked me how I thought they were home. I explained about the cars and that when I got there earlier, the sidewalk was wet, as if someone had recently watered the plants. I also told him that the neighbor thought that they were home. Both officers asked me "which neighbor?" I pointed to the right and they said. "Well, there is an ongoing feud between them, so I would take her word on anything" I was upset.. more because they made it sound like that nice Born again Christian lady next door was being characterized as an angry crackpot that is out for vengeance. In reality, she was afraid to be seen talking to me.. as I walked up to pick up the pen, she gave me the "shhhh" signal.

The police told me that it would go in the report that they came out and could not get any contact with the children. They said that it would go in the report against her.

They wished me a happy Father's day and left.

I went home to M. I didn't cry. I gave it a lot of thought.. what is there to come for me and my boys. I can go to court.. over and over.. every single holiday.. this happens.. what will happen to my ex wife.. what will make her comply to the divorce order?

Nothing.. the judge could throw her in jail and she wouldn't stop.... he could threaten to take the boys away and give them to me.. and I bet she moves out of the county.. Nothing will stop her.. the entire neighborhood knows what I am dealing with.. how evil and vengeful she is.. how they were taken in by the con artists and now how they are trying to get away...

I tried to tell the neighbors to be careful.. but they didn't listen to me. I am sure that they are making life a living hell for everyone else.. not just me


in the middle of all of that are 2 little boys.. that didn't get to see their father, for Father's day...

Nothing has changed... and I feel stupid for trying and trying and trying.. I realize that the boys have been brainwashed.. they may know deep in their hearts that Dad loves them and tries to see them.. but they also know what survival is..

My family keeps asking me..."Why don't the boys just call you if they want to talk to you?"

On Sunday, I went to dinner with my Father, and my Sister's family.. and my Sister asked that to me again...

I shook my head and told her.. "why didn't the prisoners in Iraq just walk over and pick up the phone to call in the Marines?"

The thing is..they know my ex and what kind of fear she puts into adults.. the neighbors don't really want to be seen talking to me. Maybe there is one that doesn't care.. but the rest just want to hide from her.

Now.. how do two little boys.. that must live there all the time act?

So.. why doesn't Chris go to court to get custody?

That makes sense... from everything that I have told you.. but the courts don't take kids away from crack head mothers... The kids must show some signs of abuse... and the definition of abuse is bruises, cuts and broken bones. There is no such thing as mental abuse in the courts mind.

I think that it is time for me to seriously consider leaving Arizona.

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