Apr 23, 2003

Moron or Idiot?

I know.. I thought of something that I wanted to say today.. but I sort of forgot.

I'll think of it.. just give me a second...

Ok, I was driving to work this morning and because it is my late day.. I actually could get in the carpool lane without being a carpool

I was cruising along about 5 miles above the speed limit.. doing about 70 miles an hour.. and this guy gets up behind me.... really really close... He wanted me to speed up obviously becuase I really couldn't change lanes. As soon as he could change lanes he cut over to the right and passed me. I knew he was going to give me one of those looks... you know the look.. the one where under their breath they say "you Moron!" of course I looked back at him... and under my breath said... "you idiot!"

and it reminded me.. that there are only two types of drivers... idiots and morons.. most of the time I am an Idiot... but today I was a Moron. I love it when they look over and then look away quickly.. realizing that I am much bigger than them... and if I want to.. I can look pretty scary.

What's the hurry?

thats all for now :)

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