Dec 8, 2003

Monday Morning

Christmas Morning

I love working out of my house. Today, I felt like sleeping until 8am... how nice! I have to tell you... every morning that I wake up, I feel like saying... "did Santa Claus come yet?" but it's not because I am anxious for Christmas to come. It has to do with the feeling... that Christmas morning feeling. I am never in a rush to get up and hop in the shower anymore. I schedule my days to start later and I generally wake up pretty early without an alarm clock. On my new diet, I eat a pretty big breakfast everyday. I wear some lounging pjs, moccasin type slippers and a big black robe. The combination of:

No alarm clock... but waking up early
Eating a big breakfast
slippers and
a robe
... make it feel like Christmas morning. Why? Well, I guess that used to wear boxers and a t shirt to bed, but it is colder here... I never wore slippers or a robe, except... on Christmas morning.... that's why I feel this way.

It's a good feeling.

Oh.. this weekend, I got a great idea. I have one of these for work
(it's a projector for Powerpoint presentations)
and I have a dvd player on my laptop.... add a few speakers and I have a movie theater in our big gameroom. M and I watched Legally Blonde 2, The Core and Tomb Raider 2 on the big screen, in our own house! Yup... the white wall upstairs was the perfect screen, the image was at least 10 feet across!

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