Dec 12, 2003

Driving and driving
Yesterday, I spent about 4 at work and 9 hours on the road driving. As I was driving, I scanned the AM radio dial for something interesting to listen to. I'll listen to ultra conservative talk show hosts, it is interesting how they can twist facts. I also listen to sports radio. The strangest thing happened. I was going through the stations, using my scan button and this one radio station came in loud and clear, when all others were fuzzy. I was just outside of Dalhart, Texas and the station was coming from Phoenix, Arizona. Not just any radio station, it was Radio Disney, the station that I would listen to with the boys. It was loud and clear for at least one hour.

Almost 800 miles away, I was listening to the same radio station that my boys listen to. I called them later and was able to leave a message (someone forgot to turn off the answering machine).

It was a strange... during the rest of the day, I received radio stations from Denver, Salt Lake City, Dallas and Chicago. Those were high powered stations... when I lived in Phoenix, I could hardly get a clear signal for 1580 radio disney, but it seems that just outside of Dalhart, the signal is very clear.

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