Nov 24, 2003

Andy's Birthday
Yesterday, my youngest son turned 9 years old. I tried to be a part of his birthday. I sent him a card and a present to his mother's house. I am almost positive that she threw it out. I also sent a litlte birthday party in a bag to his school. It included a poster board with 4 birthday cards. A couple of the cars were funny and one was very serious about how much I love him. I hope he got that, but I have this feeling that my ex wife has found out that I send things to school and that she has the teacher hold them and she picks them up and throws them out.

Yesterday, I tried to call Andy... several times, the phone rang and rang. It was proabably unplugged from the wall. My mother called also and she saw how frustrating it is. Then my mother called this morning, before school and the phone was picked up and hung up right away.

Why? Your guess is as good as mine. My sister called my my father called my and my mother called me.. all lamenting about how they wish they could see Andy on his birthday.

Would it have been different if I was in the same city? No.... I think that it wouldn't be any different. I have to look back at last year... I didn't see Alex until 2 weeks after his birthday... remember? I also remember the time that she didn't give me Andy on his birthday becuase it fell on Thanksgiving... everyone was waiting to celebrate with Andy.

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