Sep 21, 2003


I spent the day resting. I am in this huge hotel.. and I flet as if I was all alone. How strange, so I decided to take a walk. I wandered down the Atlanta Underground mall. I think that if i wasn't the only white guy.. I didn't see the other one. I sort of like standing out and being somewhere where, everyone looks at me. I listened to a hip hop group and browsed a number of stands with lots of cool stuff.

I guess I was forgotten when everyone went out to the Braves game.. and some went to the Falcon's game.

Well, Sunday is almost over... one more week until I start driving to Oklahoma. Hopefully, we will have everything ready in our house :)

Ok.. yes, I did say horny yesterday... yup... I miss my M... miss her a bunch. I was going to go back and change that.. but decided to leave it :)

I have this gigantic night light in my room.. actually, it's outside of the room.. the Bank of America building

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