Jun 30, 2003


That was one of the toughest interviews of my life. I spent an hour on the phone sweating out some difficult questions. I think I did ok... I think I proved that I have enough knowledge to at least ask the right questions. My friend told me that her interview was similar.. she had given me a heads up that it would be difficult.. but I wasn't really ready for that.

I am sure that everyone sweats out this interview. Hey.. if it is meant to be, it is meant to be.

I am not worried, just anxious. So many things happening in such a short time.. it's a lot for me to take in... you can imagine how M feels.

I need to slow things down for a bit... just do my best.

Today is one of those 'white hot' days in Phoenix.. the sky isn't blue anyomre it's white and hazy.. I haven't seen a cloud in months.. they don't survive here.

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