May 7, 2003

How things change

Thanks Robert Frost... it does go on. He was, and I am, talking about Life. You never can guess your future. I don't think that there is one person that can tell me what they will be doing on May 7th, 5 years from now. You may think you know, but that is the best part.. you don't really know,,, you just have to live it.

5 years ago.. I dreamed about being single.. what would it be like? Now, I am looking forward to being married again.. soon! Well, you can watch the countdown :)

Yes, life goes on... when you feel as if you wish that it wouldn't... and then give it a chance to come back around.. just stick it out.. live through the tough times. Keep your head up.... you know? It works.

Soon.... I will be getting married... Did I even think of that as a remote possiblitly 5 years ago? Uh... 5 years ago, I was just trying to survive.

Life goes on. Whatever troubles you may be experiencing at this point.. unless it is a life threatening illness.. I can assure you, that it will pass.

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