Apr 15, 2003

The War in Iraq

I really have stayed away as much as possible. I could feel myself getting tense and nervous watching the War coverage, but this weekend, I was just so happy to see that POWs were found. I really thought that they were probably dead.

So, now that the war is winding down and there has been so much death and destruction.. I hear the criticism that the U.S. isn't doing enough to keep the peace in Iraq.

Keep the Peace.

Interesting choice of words. I know that I was pretty vocal in my support of this war and each day as I saw people dying on both sides, I struggled with that decision. I prayed that it would be over soon and that the cost in human life would be smaller than expected. I was reminded by my fiancée that this is war and people die.. that is what happens.

I won't change my mind that I do believe that this was the right thing to do.. even if there are no WMD found I think that it was the right thing to do. The world.. can be a more peaceful place because of this action. I temper my reaction to the cheering in the street the same way that I discount the amount of looting that is taking place. If you have ever been in a tragic event such as a hurricane or an earthquake, you know that the media will gravitate towards that one pocket of destructions and show the same burning building on tv for hours. I feel the same can be said for people in the streets, tearing down statues... I only saw a few hundred people in a city of 5 million.. actually out in the streets. The same can be said for the looting...While it must be scary for those residents of Baghdad that have wealth, as it was during the riots in L.A.... within a few weeks that will pass, the looting will be over.

So, now it is time to keep the peace. It is unfortunate that the use of force is the only thing that some people understand. While the Iraqi information Minister spewed rhetoric and lies, the Hussein regime was taking cover and hiding and escaping. Those that fought for that coward should be upset. Those that thought that they were giving their life in a Jihad, may not have done so if they knew their leader would run and hide... rather than "Draw his Sword" to defend himself.

I think a message has been sent to all terrorists and dictators of the world... and the message is.. The United States and Great Britain will do something if we are attacked... and.. we will prevent attacks from happening in the future. Even if that action will mean that there will be a cost in lives.

I didn't take this stand quickly. I did my research.... you can see how Saddam Hussein felt that he could really get away with anything that the American people and the rulers in the world would not stomach a conflict that the American people, the British and the Australians wouldn't be able to handle deaths in a war again. Because of this perceived weakness, he and others felt that they use their money finance their plans to kill Americans and others, through te

Maybe some may thing that I am buying into all the propaganda that is being spewed by the U.S. department of defense. I am not. I am persuaded by history and the facts. The only time of real peace in this world came about through the show of force. The very same people that cry for peace are the people that are crying out now for law and order in Iraq.

How would you feel.. if you sister or brother was being tortured? How would you feel if you feel if a tyrant was taking the wealth and riches that your brother or sister rightly deserved for his only pleasure? Would you do something about it?

I know... there are other issues here.. this war wasn't really about altruistic beliefs to go in and free the Iraqi population from a tyrant.. if that was the case.. the U.S. military would be very busy flying around the world. However, isn't that what really happened here? The people of Iraq have a chance at a new way of life, they have a chance to do something with the wealth... other than build palaces and shrines to a leader.

My point is this... if you knew of a killer that was on the streets... someone that disobeyed the law and found ways to continue to do it.. even if he was taken back to court. What would you do? Would you go in and do something about it? What if you knew the people that were being tormented by this killer? What if you knew that he had killed before and got away with it? Oh.. what is my point?

It's just that I believe.. that sometimes... Peace is best served through strength and force. Maybe it sounds ridiculous to some, but it seems ironic that the very same people that were against the war.. are very much for taking a stronger presence in Iraq to Keep the Peace and to prevent looting.

So.. if you just take that same stance... about using some limited force.. to prevent looting.. and then apply that thought to force to prevent future bloodshed, violence and terrorism.

I feel that the War in Iraq has been a success. A message has been sent that if a Country wants to be a part of terrorism, that there will be consequences.

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