Apr 16, 2003

Letter to my ex wife

I sent this yesterday

I am writing this letter to notify you of my intention to ask the Superior Court of Maricopa County for some remedy as the following instances in which you have denied or interfered with my parental rights with my children Andrew and Alex ______. During the last year you have denied me access to the boys on the following dates:
• July 30th, our agreement states that I will have the boys from 3pm to 9pm on the day of my birthday. I took this day off from work, in order to be with my children. When I arrived to pick up my children, your Mother, came outside and told me to “go to hell” I attempted to contact you several times as well as having several conversations with the staff at Mr. P*******'s office to no avail as I did not see my boys on this day.
• On January 31st, I went to pick up Alex and Andy for my normal weekend visitation and they were not available. Therefore, I did not have the boys as was agreed upon in our agreement for that weekend.
• On March 5th, you called and left a message at my work number at 9:21pm stating that you would no longer give me the boys during my weekly dinner visitation during the week.
For the following past weeks, I have not been able to see my boys for dinner during the week on the following days- March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd and 9th

In the past 4 years I have documented several additional occasions in which you have denied me access to my children as has been set out in our legal and binding divorce agreement. You have not allowed me to speak to the boys at night, and you degrade me in front of the children. In addition, you have subjected the children to continuous attempts to alienate me from them. I am prepared at this point to ask the court to evaluate what would be in the best interest of the children, up to and including providing a Special Master to watch over the boy’s best interests.

We have been to mediation on several occasions with no remedy and no hope that there will be any sort of adult conversation. You continue to leave messages at times when you know that I am not available and you refuse my phone calls to speak about the children. I believe that I have made every effort to not only be a part of my children’s daily life but to have conversations with you regarding the well being of the children.

We do not have joint custody; we have nothing at all that resembles joint custody. I still have not been told who the boy’s doctors are, when they go to the doctor nor do I receive any of the information regarding the children that comes home from school.

I am asking one more time for you to be civil and to allow me the visitation rights that I am due as prescribed in our divorce agreement.

I am also asking that if you would like to speak to me that you act as an adult and not leave childish messages on my work phone number at hours that I am not at work. I consider this to be harassment and have notified my supervisor and in turn she has contacted the local police. I record each of these messages and will play them in court for Judge D****** to decide if they are attempts at communication or intimidation and game playing. I think you know what type of messages that I am referring to. If you want to speak to me, pick up the phone and call me, at home or at work at an hour that I will be available. I think it is high time that you put your anger behind you towards me and do what is right for the boys.

Alex and Andy need a father, they are at an important age and they need to have a father figure in their life. At this point, I only see my boys every other weekend for a couple of days. This hardly is enough and I am sure that the court would agree with me that you are acting irrationally and not in the best interest of two young and impressionable boys.

In the upcoming weeks, I would like to clarify the following, as per our divorce agreement so there are not miscommunications or misunderstandings:

April 20th is Easter, our divorce agreement reads as follows:

“Beginning with the year 2000, and each even year thereafter, the children shall be with the Mother this day from 8:0am until 2:00pm, and with Father from 2:00pm until 8:00pm. In odd numbered years, the children shall be with Father this day from 8:00am until 2:00pm and with mother from 2:00pm until 8:00pm.”

Mother’s day May 11th falls on one of my weekends and the divorce agreement reads as follows:

“If Mother’s Day falls on Father’s weekend, the children shall spend this day with mother from 8:30am until 8:30pm.”

I assume that you no longer are going to make the boys available during the week for dinners with me as we have already agreed to do. I am not in agreement with this arrangement, however I have been by to pick them up on several occasions and have spoken to the neighbors that tell me that you are home and they believe the boys are there as well and they will appear in court as witnessed to my attempts to pick up my children.

I am only asking to be allowed to be a part of my children’s lives. I understand that after over 4 years of separation that you continue to be upset with me for asking for a divorce, however I think it is time that you stop taking out your anger on the children.

I think that I have been more than reasonable and that my attempts at communication have been returned with insults and vile behavior from you and your family. Your father has threatened me on several occasions and due to his criminal record I fear that he may be interested in some sort of retribution.

I hope that you will begin to act like a parent and put aside our differences.

If not, I guess we will see each other in court, again.

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